Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Slavery In Asia

In Asia women slaves were still sold in the Ottoman Empire as late as 1908. There were also slaves markets for captured Russian and Persian slaves centred in Central Asia. There were an estimated 8 million or 9 million slaves in India in 1841 according to Sir Henry Bartle Frere. Slavery was abolished in both Hindu and Muslim India by the Indian Slavery Act V. of 1843. Slavery was also abolished in China in 1906 by the Imperial government in East Asia but the law became effective in 1910. There was a Slave rebellion in China in the end of the 17th century and the beginning of the 18th century which was so extensive that owners eventually converted the institution into a female dominated one. There were also slaves in Southeast Asia in which a quarter to a third of the population were slaves in that area. Some areas were Thailand and Bruma which had slaves in the Southeast section.

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